LIEBSTER AWARDS 2015 | frankieeesnaps

      HELLO EVERYONE! I'm back with another video and this one's about the Liebster Awards. Much thanks to Vikki for nominating me, I'm surprised someone watches my videos haha ♡

      Now if you don't know what a Liebster Award is, it's about promoting new and upcoming blogs, gaining new friends then paying it forward as well. I personally think it's a great idea to promote blogs and share everyone's talent and such, not just for makeup and beauty but also fashion, photography, literature and much more.

P.S. I may add some vloggers and book vloggers, I hope you don't throw me in the fire for that. Also, my list of nominees isn’t complete yet but I will update it soon!

      If I have tagged you, here are the rules:

1. Thank the person who tagged/nominated you.
2. Answer the 11 questions given to you.
3. Make 11 questions for your nominees.
4. Tag/Nominate 11 bloggers to answer your questions.

I tag the following:

Ken (ThePopHeir on YT but he's super fab and I love his blog, he deserves more than 16 members...and I'm not just saying that but still) -




Here are my 11 questions for you.

1) Which do you prefer, Morning showers or Evening showers? Why?

2) What inspired you to start blogging?

3) Who are your biggest inspirations?

4) If you were given the chance to go back in time and change anything or everything, would you? Why or why not?

5) Top three (3) favorite things in your room?

6) Who do you like more, cats or dogs? Why?

7) What are your thoughts on the whole pancake and waffle debate?

8) Are you enjoying answering these questions?

9) Generic but, what is your biggest ambition in life right now?

10) What are your favorite types of blogs to read?

11) Your favorite memory from your childhood?


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